2023-11-11 13:13  浏览:0


1、 There is a story about a gong'si'zhi'yuan who arrived at the station one day after work by subway and found that it rained heavily, but she still had to walk for ten minutes to get home. Fortunately, beside the railway station was the Department store, so my fellow countrymen purchased a pair of rainshoes and a rainproof coat decisively, and went back home smoothly. When it cleared up the next day, the fellow countrymen roughly tidied up their shoes and coats and took them back and returned them. Of course, this example is exaggerated, but it also shows to some extent that the rights and interests of consumers in the United States have been greatly protected.

2、 有一个故事,讲的是一个公司职员,有一天下班坐地铁到了车站,发现雨下得很大,她还要走十多分钟才能到家。好在百货公司就在地铁站旁边,他果断买了一双雨靴和一件防雨外套,顺利走回家。第二天天气放晴后,

3、 他整理了一下鞋子和外套,然后拿回去还了回去。当然,这个故事难免有些夸张,但也在一定程度上说明了美国消费者的权益得到了极大的保护。

4、 When it comes to consumer protection laws in the United States, we have to mention the Lemon Act. The Lemon Act was initially only applicable to automobile consumption, and then gradually applied to various consumer goods. In addition, the United States has established consumer rights protection agencies at all levels in the federal and state governments. In the final analysis, these laws can ensure fair implementation before consumers can take a reassuring pill.

5、 说到美国消费者保护法,就不得不提《柠檬法》。《柠檬法》最初应用于汽车消费,后来逐渐应用于各种消费品。此外,美国还在联邦和州政府中设立了各级消费者权益保护机构。

6、 归根结底,这些法律能保证公平执行,让消费者放心。

7、 Mature consumer groups are also a foundation on which the United States can protect consumers'rights and interests to the greatest extent. If these rights and interests are abused by consumers, the blow to the merchants is bound to be enormous. Imagine if the exaggerated example of rainshoe becomes a reality and becomes a consumer strategy that most consumers will adopt, then who else will buy rainshoe? Consumers with mature mentality know how to use their rights and interests correctly and rationally. In the process of benign interaction with businesses, consumers'own rights and interests are maximized.

8、 成熟的消费群体也是美国最大程度保护消费者权益的一个基础。商家为消费者提供关键的福利权益保障后,如果这些权益被消费者滥用,必然会对商家造成极大的打击。想象一下,如果雨靴这个夸张的例子成真了。

9、 并且成为大多数消费者都会采用的消费策略,那么还有谁会买雨鞋呢?心态成熟的消费者知道如何正确合理地使用自己的权益。在这种与商家的良性互动过程中,消费者自身的权益得到最大化。
