2022-10-03 09:20  浏览:7




处暑(水彩画) 木壳人







处暑(中国画) 老树




秋妆(中国画) 宋丰光、张锦平


处暑(中国画) 戴树良






Chushu, also named End of Heat, is the 14th in the 24 solar terms and the second one in autumn. As it is described in a poem written by Song Dynasty poet Su Jiong, “Just within three days of Chushu, the coolness one longs for will come.” In early autumn, at a time when summer heat has not yet dissipated, the cool breeze makes people feel so refreshed.

The advent of Chushu means heat is giving way to coolness. However, as a saying goes, “the heat in Chushu can still be strong, like a ferocious tiger.” And it can still make the weather hot and dry. Therefore, on the first day of Chushu, people often drink herbal tea and eat duck dishes, which they believe can resist autumn dryness. Or they will go on outing in early autumn to be close to nature.

Painter Lao Shu’s work Chushu vividly expresses an idyllic rural scene in autumn. In the painting, a man is watching the distance on an arch bridge; and plants dance gently in the breeze, brimming with life. Ripples of the lake reflect the golden sunlight, which also covers the land.

处暑(中国画) 老树

“Autumn Makeup”, a painting by Song Fengguang and Zhang Jinping, depicts the charm of golden light of autumn in a different way, with focus on people. In a beautiful wood in autumn, three girls are wandering among red, yellow, and purple shrubs. Through the use of delicate lines, colors, shapes, and brushstrokes, the painting presents a fascinating autumn scene.

秋妆(中国画) 宋丰光、张锦平

Chushu is the time for harvest. In Dai Shuliang’s painting Chushu, a farmer and his wife, with food and wine placed in the field, thank the god of land for the good harvest he has brought. In the distance, several farmers are toiling the fields in the sun, and their smiling faces tell us they expect a good harvest in autumn.

处暑(中国画) 戴树良

In Chushu, autumn is within reach. People drink herbal tea, set off lanterns on the river, have fishing festivals and enjoy the beautiful autumn scene. By having such colorful folk activities, they celebrate this solar term which gently sends away the remaining summer heat and brings to us the early autumn we eagerly look forward to.