2022-07-30 22:41  浏览:0





China supports Huawei for refusing to be ‘victimized like silent lambs’: Chinese FM

Raising his right fist in the air, Chinese State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi said on Friday that China resolutely supports Chinese companies and its citizens in seeking legal redress to protect their own interests and refusing to be victimized like “silent lambs,” showing China’s attitude toward cases involving Chinese high-tech firms like Huawei which observers believe is facing a politically motivated crackdown by the US.


Wang made the remarks at a press conference in Beijing on the sidelines of the second session of the 13th National People’s Congress (NPC).


“The recent action against a particular Chinese company and individual is by no means a pure judicial case, but a deliberate political crackdown on them,” Wang said, while noting that “People can tell right and wrong; justice will have its day.”


“What we are standing up for is not just the interests of a company, but also a country or a nation’s legitimate right to development and by extension, the due right of all countries who wish to climb up the technology ladder,” China’s top diplomat said.


Chinese telecom giant Huawei announced on Thursday it is suing the US government to challenge the US over its ban on the use of Huawei products.


The Shenzhen-based company filed a lawsuit in a US District Court in Plano, Texas, seeking a declaratory judgment that the restrictions targeting Huawei are unconstitutional, and a permanent injunction against these restrictions.
