2022-06-15 11:50  浏览:3
每当暑假作业做完后,我们都喜欢核对一下暑假作业答案,看看自己的正确率高不高。下面是小编给大家带来的2022 七年级英语暑假作业答案,希望能够帮到你哟!,, 2022七年级英语暑假作业答案,P41,1.常见标志,A 停车位 安全出口,肯德基 小心路滑,B No parking No smoking,No photos dustbin,C No food,No music,2. 广告英语,1.可口可乐,2.苹果(手机、电脑等),3.Just do it. (只管去做。)——耐克运动鞋,4.Focus on life. (瞄准生活。)——奥林巴斯相机。,5.飘柔。,广告英语的语言特点简单,明了。,3.动物与英语 爱屋及乌。,2.I wanted mother’给妈妈的礼物我本想保密,但妹妹却露出了马脚 面临驾驶考试,他急得像热锅上的蚂蚁。,4.一石两鸟。,5.非常宁静。,7.披着羊皮的狼;面善心恶。,8.丑小鸭变成了白天鹅。,p44,1. There were not so many roads there were many old houses and it was dirty and poor.,There was no supermarket before and therewere not so much entertainment equipment in the square.,2. There are many trees and flowers in my countryside.,There are established many supermarkets in my hometown.,3. There will be many tall buildings in my hometown.,4. I love my hometown,My hometown is a beautiful place. But in the old days it was a poor and backward little town. Many people had no work. They lived a hard life. In 1949 my hometown was liberated. Since then great changes have taken place there. The streets have been widened. The life of the people is greatly improved. I love my hometown. All the more I love its people. They are working hard so as to make it still richer and more beautiful.,P46,1. Family,2.,其结构是:3.working buying visiting,规律:直接加ing,taking having driving,规律:去e加ing,stopping shopping getting,规律:双写辅音字母,再加ing,Lying,规律:变ie为y,再加ing,4.否定句 The boy is not playing basketball.,一般疑问句 Is the boy playing basketball?,肯定回答 Yes,he is.,否定回答 No,he isn’t.,对The boy 提问 Who is playing basketball?,What is the boy doing?,(2)She is opening the window.,Who is cleaning the window?,She isn’t closeing the door now.,I ’m doing my homework.,They are singing under the tree now.,What are the Young Pioneers doing?,is swimming,Where are the visitors swimming?,5.No.5 is having/taking a shower.,6. 夏天的飞鸟,飞到我的窗前 唱歌,又飞去了。,秋天的黄叶,它们没有什么可唱,只叹息一声,飞落在那里。 Stray birds of summer come to my window to sing and fly away. And yellow leaves of autumn, which have no songs, flutter and fall there with a sign.,7.,got,is,doing,is writing,make,Is,doing,is lying,Tell,take,is watching,is taking,Keep,don't forget,(五),I have a happy summer vacation. I stay at home.At home, I do my homework. I watch TV, too. I love English Today. Because I like English very much. I also like “Tell it like it is”. I watch them everyday. Sometimes I play the computer. I can watch MV and learn English on the computer. I often clean my room.,2. Is it (very) warm today,Would you like to go with us,I'd like to I can't go with you,it doesn't matter,When,All right /I agree (with you),3. 老师所说的bank:岸边,小女孩所说的bank:银行。,经典欣赏,1、He is sleeping.,2、He wants to go to school.,3、Because he wants to know whether Nemo is clear in his mind.,4、休息,阅读欣赏,1.尼蒙的语言是所有Nemo后面的 句子,,特点是:简短,有力,表现了他想上学的急切的心情。,2马琳的语言表现了他胆小,但爱孩子的性格特点。,精彩 故事,1.A Lamb and A Wolf.,2.She's very clever.,阅读思考,①Who is the story about?,A lamb and a wolf.,②When does the story take place?,The story took place one day.,③Where does the story take place?,The story took place in the field.,④Why does the lamv ask the wolf to ring the bell?,The lamb want the ring will call the sheepherder for help. ⑤How does the story go?,It goes acording to time.,⑥What's the result of the story?,The barking dogs frightened the wolf away and saved the lamb. 社会传真,阅读技巧,2. blocking traffics bans wheelchair accidents,新闻快递,A(3)B(1)C(4)D(2),阅读思考,1.短小易懂、形象生动(作用:增强新闻的简洁性和可读性, 调解美化版面节约篇幅)。,2. Cambodia's Duch is found guilty,轻松写作,A,①They are working hard.,He is studying hard.,The train arrives late.,The plane flies quickly.,The boy tried again and again.,He tried again and again.,②We won the match.,She passed the exam.,The workers finished the work ahead of time.,The students completed the exam ahead of time.,I forgot to mail the letter yesterday.,She forgot to buy the book last week.,He stopped crying suddenly.,They stopped fighting suddenly.,③My father gave me a new bicycle.,My mother bought me a new dress.,I'll buy you a car like that.,My mother will give me a pen like that.,④He is a university student.,She is a college student.,The light is still on.,The shop is still open.,The match is exciting.,The film is moving.,⑤I helped the boy find his mother.,He helped me finish the work.,They want me to become a teacher.,My parents want me to became a doctor.,I made it a rule to read English in the morning.,I made it a rule to get up early in the morning.,B,Despite the fact that…; not only…,,(1)By air 做飞机,I used to travel by air a great deal when I was a boy. My parents used to live in South America and I used to fly there from Europe in the holidays.,A flight attendant would take charge of me and I never had an unpleasant experience. I am used to travelling by air and only on one occasion have I ever felt frightened. After taking off, we were flying low over the city and slowly gaining height, when the plane suddenly turned round and flew back to the airport. While we were waiting to land, a flight attendant told us to keep calm and to get off the plane quietly as soon as it had touched down. Everybody on board was worried and we were curious to find out what had happened. Later we learnt that there was a very important person on board. The police had been told that a bomb had been planted on the plane. After we had landed, the plane was searched thoroughly. Fortunately, nothing was found and five hours later we were able to take off again.,(2)If the weather is good, maybe I'll go to self-study, may see the English, also may view bar, or watch ZaShu, will also look at the newspaper, but anyway, all want to believe that the weather is not good.,如果天气好,也许我会去自习,可能看英文,也可能看法条,或者看杂书,也会看看报纸,但是不管怎样,都要坚信天气不会好的。,C,My Last School Trip(1),I had a pleasant school trip last weekend. We went to the Sea Museum by bus. It took an hour to get there and once we were there we took pictures in front of the gate .The pictures were very beautiful. Then we went inside and visited the museum. We also went to the 4d theater and watched an exciting movie.,My Last School Trip(2),We have been to Taiwan. I was excited about it and planned a lot.Unfortunatly, there was a typhoon come to there, We should stay at the hotel. Watching the boring TV. The planning we had planned, has been canceled.,So we had a terrible school trip.,My Last School Trip(3),We have been to Guangzhou. I was so pleased that I can't fall asleep the night before my lasy school trip. However, Guangzhou was rainy. If it keep raining, we must stay at the hotel.But luckily, two hours later, the sun was shining. I could go out to play!,I had a great fun in Guangzhou.,D,Dear Li Hua:,You've mentioned that you felt bad about telling lies. That means you understand your parents, it's really a good thing. Sometimes parents just figure that internet game is terrible, they just don't want their child spend all the time for games , not study. I think the most important thing you should do is make your parents know some advantages about internet games,such as it can make you relax after study ,things like that.By the way ,you should also ensure that you can make good use your time.,Editor, 初中暑假学习计划,理规划时间,制定学习计划,放假后的第一件事,应该是整理出可利用的时间,做出时间安排表,以每一天为单位;接下来,梳理自身学习情况,找出最需要提高或最想做的事,合理分配复习和预习时间,有针对性地制定假期学习计划。,每天有效学习时间保持在5-6个小时。可以根据自己的情况合理的规划一下,例如:{早上2个半小时,中午2个半小时,晚上1个小时}学习时间固定在:上午8:30-11:30,下午14:30-17:30;晚上19:30-21:30。既不要睡懒觉,也不要开夜车。习惯比聪明更重要!只要你按照计划来,每天坚持,你的成绩不会没有进步的!,※呵呵,不要忘了,一定要预留出锻炼身体和休闲活动的时间。一旦制定就应该严格遵守。相信你的假期一定会有意想不到的收获。,确定学习目标,攻克薄弱环节,今年的暑假假期较短,目标不宜太大、复习范围不宜太广。如果想真正有收获,一定不要贪多哟!适宜重点攻克薄弱学科、或某学科中的重点内容。,利用_网校的网络资源,有效进行复习巩固和预习提高,1、利用网校现有资源进行复习?上学期在课堂里平时没有来得及听完的课程,或者没有弄懂的问题,可以利用假期结合“学习区”里面的“面授”重新学习一遍。最后实在还是没弄懂的可以到“答疑”里面提问{24个小时之后}我们的老师会给你回复。,?大家在网校上学习的时候一定要按我们教你们的“四步学习法”——知识强化,面授,智能测评,答疑来进行复习和预习。,?网络教材:初中网络教材全部更新为配套资源。含语文、英语、数学、物理、化学等各学科的内容,与教科书完全同步,学生可利用假期时间进行复习。,?“智能测评”的难题反复推敲,重在理解解题思路。对于由于知识点没弄懂而做错的题目及时的放入到“我的错题本”里面做一个归纳,方便你们以后的查阅和复习。,2、预习下学期课程?通过_网校的网络教材,将下学期的课程提前预习一遍,掌握各科下期的重难点。, 初中生暑假日记,暑假里的一天,我们一家驾车去外婆以前的家玩。一路上,我隔着车窗好奇地向外张望,窗外是连绵不断的青山,空气格外清新,我们的车沿着一条平坦的水泥公路疾驶。听着车里的音乐,看着眼前的美景,我脱口而出:“真爽!”,十几分钟后,外婆家到了。吃完晚饭,我们来到屋外欣赏山村美景,夜空中,星星忽隐忽现,仿佛在和我们捉迷藏。,“妈妈小时候,可没有那么好的公路,只有一条崎岖蜿蜒的小路。”妈妈指着眼前的大山,深情地讲诉起来。“就是这座大山,挡住了山村孩子的求学路。妈妈在村里的小学里念了三年书,外婆决定送妈妈到山外的中心校学习。每逢星期六放学回家,妈妈就迫不及待地往家里赶。要知道,每次回家都要走两个多小时的山路,不抓紧赶路,天黑了,那就麻烦了!”说到这里,妈妈加重了语气。“妈妈那时侯还小,每次赶路既惊又怕。一路上都是崎岖的羊肠小道,有的路两旁还布满荆棘,不小心腿上会划出几道血痕。路上要经过几座小桥,只有几块石板铺成,桥中间留着一条缝隙,桥下是从山上倾泻下来的激流,每次经过都提心吊胆的。遇到下雨天,山路上时常会出现令人害怕的虫子,路上的石子很滑,路就变得很难走。”听着听着,我也害怕起来,要知道,我是非常害怕虫子之类的,一只只看着都令人毛骨悚然。,“哦,原来是这样的啊,那你小时侯的生活是很苦的呀!”我若有所悟。,妈妈谈性正浓,接着又讲了起来,“也就是这样的山路,严重影响了山村人的生活。村里没有象样的街道,一条稍宽的石子路就成了”菜场“。每天上午九点左右是村里人约定的买菜时间,因为这时,山外的卖菜人会准时出现在”菜场“,没过半小时,两担货架上的肉、菜等一卖而光,卖菜人挑着空货架早早地回家了。要是你晚些来,就肯定买不到了。要是遇上不好的天气,卖菜人肯定不会来了,一家人就别指望吃上新鲜的菜了。好在山村人自力更生,大多数人都以 捕鱼为生,能吃上鲜活的海鲜。”,我听着妈妈的故事,心想:“要是当时没有山路,要是路好一些,近一点,那该多好啊!”妈妈似乎看出了我的心思,意味深长地说:“最近几年,山村人的生活好了起来,又遇上好的政策,政府出钱修建了眼前这条高标准公路,现在的人们出入方便,生活过得像个城里人。”,夜已深了,天上的星星还在调皮地眨巴着小眼睛。我顺着妈妈手指着的方向,分明地看到了山间公路两旁的路灯发出耀眼的光芒,一直通向遥远的山外,和天边的星星连接在一起,多么迷人,多么和谐。, 五年级下册暑假作业答案大全2022, 七年级下册数学暑假作业答案最新, 2022四年级英语暑假作业答案, 2022八年级物理暑假作业答案出炉, 2022最新三年级语文暑假作业答案, 2022八年级数学暑假作业答案, 2022初二英语寒假作业答案上册, 2022五年级语文下册暑假作业答案大全, 五年级数学暑假作业答案2022, 2022八年级下册英语暑假作业参考答案