2022-05-26 07:43  浏览:6




Good morning, this is Sunshine Mutter, may I help you?

早上好,我是Sunshine Mutter,我能为您做些什么吗?

You have reached the office of Perl, electronic technology cooperation.



Who would you like to speak with?


The name of the person you are calling please?



I will put him on the phone, just a second.


Could you hold on a minute, I will get him for you?



Sorry, the line is busy.


You have just missed him.


He can not take your call right now, would you like to leave a message?


He is not available right now, can I take a message?



There is no Ms. Jones here.


I am sorry, there is nobody here by this name.



Could you put that in more specific terms?


I am not sure what you mean?


Excuse me, but I didn’t hear that, would you mind repeating it please?



Is there anything else I can do for you?


Then I will make sure he gets your message.


Thank you for calling.


Nice talking to you.



Hi, this is Andy, I can’t come to the phone at this time, please leave a message and I will call you back as soon as possible.


Hi, this is Katy, sorry I missed you, please leave a message at the tone, I will get back to you when I get in, thanks.


Situational conversations 情景对话

Dialogue 1 I will call again later

A: Is this the office of Miss Wells?

B: Yes, but she is tight up at the moment.

A: No problem, I will call again later.

Dialogue 2 Is he available now

A: Good morning?

B: Good morning, this is Alex here, I am calling from Los Angeles .

A: How can I help you?

B: May I talk with Mr. Walt, is he available now?

A: Unfortunately, Mr. Walt is not available at the moment, would you like me to put you through to his assistant manager Miss. Muller?

B: Yes, please, you are very helpful.

A: My pleasure.

Dialogue 3 I will see if he is available

A: Good afternoon, marketing department, may I help you?

B: Could I speak to Mr. Philip please?

A: I will see if he is available, who shall I say is calling please?

B: Kath Wills.

A: Hold on line please, Mr. Philip is in a meeting at the moment, can I help you?

B: I want to discuss with him the new contract we signed last week.

A: shall I ask him to call you when he is free?

B: Yes, that would be easiest.

Dialogue 4 He is just stepped out

A: Good morning, marketing department.

B: Hello, May I speak to Mr. Kelvin Philip please?

A: I am sorry, he is just stepped out, may I ask who is calling?

B: This is Aaron Sari, from Atlantic Software, would you please tell me when I can get a hold of him?

A: I have no idea when Mr. Philip could be available in the office, could you call later or would you mind leaving a message?

B: I think it’s better for me to leave a message, please make sure he gets this message.

A: I see, I will be sure to pass your messages to Mr. Philip.

B: Good, when he comes back, can you have him call me at 12345678

A: Ok, could I check the number, is it 12345678?

Dialogue 5 would you like to leave a message

A: Hello, this is public relations department, Mandy Samson speaking?

B: Hello, I am looking for Ms. Kathy Wills.

A: Who is this?

B: Brook Walt, a friend of Kathy.

A: I am sorry, Ms. Wills is not in the office right now, would you like to leave a message?

B: Please tell Ms. Wills that I called and she can call me back at 4 p.m. today.

A: Ok, does she have your number?

B: Yes, please make sure that she gets the message.

A: Of course, Goodbye.

Dialogue 6 put her through

A: Asian Computer Company, Good morning.

B: Good morning, may I speak to Mr. Walt please?

A: May I ask who is calling please?

B: This is Kathy Wills from the great universal advertising agency.

A: Just a minute Miss Wills.

B: Mr. Walt, Miss Wills from great universal advertising agency wants to speak to you.

C: Put her through, please. Hello, Brook Walt speaking.

Dialogue 7 I will check it immediately

A: Good morning, Asian Computer Company, can I help you?

B: Morning, this is Miss Barry, I ordered four computer sets from your company three days ago but they haven’t arrived yet.

A: Oh, I am sorry, I will check it immediately. Can I have your full name, address and phone number?

B: Yes, Nicole Barry, 3966 Erhuan East Road, 83532353.

A: Thank you, I will check it with our delivery department and call you back, please accept our sincere apologies.

B: Oh, That’s all right, I will be waiting for your call.


